Annotated Bibliography
Black, Daniel. Perfect Peace. New York: St. Martin's, 2010. Print.
This is a fictitious story about a little southern girl who, on her 8th birthday, learns that she was actually born a boy, and now has to learn how to become one. She is the youngest of 7, with six brothers, and her mother really wanted a girl, so when the seventh child was born a boy, the mother raised the child as a girl out of her desperation for a girl. The story talks about Perfect/Paul's transition from being a girl to manhood, and how he learns to forget about his girl self. This book delves into the age-old argument of sex vs. gender, and creates a commentary on how gender is socially constructed, and how sexual orientation can be constructed as well. I will use this text to show that sexual orientation isn't as clear-cut as society sometimes makes it out to be. There are passages in which Perfect and her best friend, Eva Mae, have intimate relations with each other, and then again when Perfect is Paul, but there seems to be no change in enjoyment on Paul's part. Passages such as these will help construct my argument.
Rudacille, Deborah. The Riddle of Gender. New York: Pantheon Books, 2005. Print.
Deborah Rudacille talks about gender issues from both scientific and human perspectives. She focuses on the transsexual perspective throughout the book, which was greatly beneficial toward my research. The book is made up of several interviews with prominant transsexuals throughout the book, which portrays the human aspect of people who don't fit into the "normal" male/female social norms. I plan on using two chapters for my research; the fourth chapter, "Men and Women, Boys and Girls" which is a interview with Chelsea Goodwin and Rusty Mae Moore, Ph.D; and the sixth chapter, "Childhood, Interrupted," an interview with Dana Bayer, M.D. In both of these chapters, I will be able to convey the human element into my argument, and dissect what it means to be a transsexual and how that affects sexual orientation.
Green, a FTM activist, wrote this article about the "visibility dilemma" that transsexual men have during their transition, something which Dana in Trans-sister Radio also had trouble with. Green writes about how transsexuals just want to be accepted by society as the gender they perceive themselves to be; but, on the other hand, if one exposes too much of a transsexual life to others, one could risk "undermining the achieved gender status," presenting a dilemma. How much does one reveal about oneself? I will connect Green's article to Dana's experience with transition in the novel.
Philosopher Jacob Hale challenges the notion that the term "woman" is a concrete, natural term. He argues that there are many complexities within determining any one person's gender. He argues that gender is something that needs to be "worked out" by an individual, and that no set definition of a gender exists. I will use this article to back up my argument that gender and sexual orientation are things that are not set in stone; that they are things that are constructed differently by everyone.
Valentine, David. ""I Went to Bed With My Own Kind Once" The Erasure of Desire in the Name of Identity." The Transgender Studies Reader. Ed. Susan Stryker and Stephen Whittle. New York: Routledge, 2006. Print.
This article focuses on the fact that modern views of sexual orientation and contemporary distinctions between sexuality and gender do not account for the specifics of erotic desire and sexual practice. Valentine explains that since there is a "double binary" of homo/hetero and masculine/feminine, there is a "unintelligible structure" of desire and sexuality that most people do not understand. I will use this article to support my claims, and connect it to the "confusion" Allison, Dana, and Will all experience about their sexuality.